带有日期参数的条件where子句引发“没有支持的SQL转换”。使用C#在Linq to SQL中出错


我正在使用Visual C#2008和dot Net framework 4.5处理linq to sql项目。


I'm working on a linq to sql project using Visual C# 2008 and dot Net framework 4.5.
my query is as follows

var q =
        from a in dc.GetTable<invoice_in>()
        join b in dc.GetTable<supplier>()
        on a.supplier_id equals b.id
        where a.invoice_date >= date_from
        select new Invoice_in(a.id, a.amount ?? 0, a.invoice_number ,
                              a.supplier_id ?? 0, a.supplier.s_name,
                              a.invoice_date ?? System.DateTime.Today);




invoce_in is a linq class while Invoice_in is a class I defined with a similar structure.
When I put the date comparison inside where clause within the last query, everything is OK. But I need to use a conditional where, as the query parameters goes after the main query clause

I added the following lines to the previous code

if (date_from != null)
                q = q.Where(w => w.invoice_date >= date_from);



Where w.invoice_date is of DateTime type and it is data member of the class Invoice_in (defined by me).
Adding that last lines of code causes the following runtime error:

"has no supported translation to SQL"



I've tried dozens of methods on the web such as using SQLMethods for comparing dates and such stuff, nothing works

Please Help... Thanks in advance...


change your where condition as below
var q =
           from a in dc.GetTable<invoice_in>()
           join b in dc.GetTable<supplier>()
           on a.supplier_id equals b.id
           where date_from!=null && a.invoice_date >= date_from
           select new Invoice_in(a.id, a.amount ?? 0, a.invoice_number ,
                                 a.supplier_id ?? 0, a.supplier.s_name,
                                 a.invoice_date ?? System.DateTime.Today);</supplier></invoice_in>


if (date_from != null)
    q = q.ToList().Where(w => w.invoice_date >= date_from);