在带有Visual Studio 2013 RC的Windows 8.1 RTM上安装Windows Phone 7.1 SDK


有人知道如何在Windows 8.1 RTM上使用Visual Studio 2013开发Windows Phone 7(因此无需安装Visual Studio 2010)吗? 在安装Visual Studio 2013时,我已经选中WP8.0框,但是它没有提供解决方案所需的7.1 SDK.

Does anyone know how to develop for Windows Phone 7, with Visual Studio 2013 (thus without installing Visual Studio 2010) on Windows 8.1 RTM? I've checked the WP8.0 box when I was installing Visual Studio 2013, but it does not provide me the 7.1 SDK which is needed for my solution.

如果我不安装Visual Studio 2010就可以这样做,那就太好了.:D

It would be great if I could do it without installing Visual Studio 2010. :D


Windows Phone 8.0 SDK能够为7.1和8.0创建应用程序,因此无需安装7.1 SDK.

The Windows Phone 8.0 SDK include the ability to create apps for 7.1 and 8.0 so there should be no need to install the 7.1 SDK.

Visual Studio 2013不支持为7.x开发应用程序.

Developing apps for 7.x is not supported in Visual Studio 2013.
If you must target 7.x devices you'll need to use VS2010 or VS2012.

如果要为Windows Phone 7.x构建版本,则应使用Visual Studio2012.您可以将此AND Visual Studio 2013安装在同一台计算机上.您可能最终无法做的唯一一件事就是对所有项目都拥有一个解决方案,因为您可以在两个版本的VS中使用它.

If you want o build for Windows Phone 7.x you should use Visual Studio 2012. You can install this AND Visual Studio 2013 on the same machine. The only thing you may not end up being able to do is having a single solution with all projects in that you can use in both versions of VS.