Mac上的Office 2016在任务窗格上使用什么浏览器?


我有一个Word加载项在Windows上运行良好,而基础知识也在Mac上运行(均为Word 2016).

I've got a Word add-in working well on Windows, and the basics are working on Mac also (Word 2016 both).

Word 2016 for Mac使用什么浏览器? 我看到这篇文章: Office加载项使用什么浏览器/浏览器引擎?

What browser does Word 2016 for Mac use? I see this post: What browser / browser engine do Office Add-ins use?


But it doesn't explicitly define the way Mac does it.


I see posts about clearing the cache, which is helpful (that will be my next challenge) like How to clear client side browser cache for Excel 2016 Task Pane add-in on Mac?.

我要询问的特定原因是尝试使用Firebase进行身份验证.在Windows上,由于Word 2016使用IE11,因此在我的任务窗格中单击登录(使用Firebase运行该节目)会打开IE11 ...,然后通过完整浏览器登录将被Taskpane识别.

Specific reason I'm asking is trying to use Firebase for authentication. On Windows, because Word 2016 uses IE11, clicking Login (with Firebase running the show) in my taskpane pops open IE11...and the login through the full browser is recognized by the Taskpane.


On Mac, clicking Login is opening my default browser...


Alternately I could try to keep the Firebase flow in the Taskpane...but not sure how to do that:)


Mostly curious how Microsoft is kludging this on Mac.

对于Mac,正在使用本机WebKit控件( ). Window.open或其他弹出窗口将在默认浏览器中打开,并且默认情况下不共享cookie或不具有指向WebKit控件的window.opener指针.这在身份验证方案中不起作用.如果希望在单独的WebKit控件中打开弹出窗口以进行身份​​验证,则需要在清单的AppDomain列表中包括受信任的域:

For Mac, the native WebKit control is being used ( or other popups will open in the default browser and not share cookies or have window.opener pointer to the WebKit control by default. This does not work in authentication scenarios. If you want the popup window to be opened in a separate WebKit control for authentication, you will need to include the trusted domain in the AppDomain list of the manifest: window.opener and cookies should then work between the popup and add-in. The AppDomain list is supported on every platform.