为什么Rhino Stubs让我对它们设置期望?



This question clarifies the conceptual differences between mocks and stubs in Rhino: What are the differences between mocks and stubs on Rhino Mocks?

但是我却感到困惑,为什么Rhino Stub对象提供了诸如.Expect.VerifyAllExpectations()之类的方法,而这些方法似乎根本没有任何作用.为什么模拟/存根对象似乎提供相同的接口?

However I'm left confused why Rhino Stub objects provide methods such as .Expect and .VerifyAllExpectations() when these appear to do nothing at all. Why do mock/stub objects seemingly provide the same interface?


It's making me think I've missed something fundamental - or is it just an implementation quirk?

这种行为的原因是基于IntelliSense限制(在扩展方法上)+ Rhinoomocks设计(+断言上的错误),正如我所解释的

The reason for this behavior is based on IntelliSense limitation(on extension methods) + Rhinomocks design( + bug on the asserts) as I explained here.


The following example shows that the Expect method has nothing more than Stub method on stubs.

public class Foo
    public virtual string DoSomthing()
        return String.Empty;

public class UnitTest1
    public void TestMethod1()

        var f = MockRepository.GenerateStub<Foo>();

        f.Expect(x => x.DoSomthing())



如果执行上面的示例,您将看到测试不会失败(尽管从未调用过DoSomthing ...)

If you'll execute the above example you'll see that the test won't fail(Although DoSomthing was never called...)