如何确定用户是否发送了从Java代码生成的MS Outlook消息?



In my program I create Outlook.exe process and send message with pre-populated contain. After sending message or closing message window I need to know whether or not user sent message.


exitValue() method of process doesn't help because exitValue in both cases is 0.

ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder();
Process process = processBuilder.command("C:\\Program Files(x86)\\Microsoft Office\\Office15\\OUTLOOK.exe", "/a").start();
if (process.exitValue() == 0) {
    Session session = sessionExtracting();
    SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("UPDATE mailorder set mailordstatus = 2");


Firstly, Outlook is a singleton - if outlook.exe is already running, launching the second instance will simply transfer control to the first instance. Secondly, you are hardcoding the outlook.exe file location.

使用Outlook对象模型(使用COM桥)-创建Outlook.Application COM对象的实例,使用Application.CreateItem(0)创建新消息,填充消息属性(主题,正文,收件人等).调用MailItem.Send或使用MailItem.Display显示消息并捕获MailItem.Send事件.

Use the Outlook Object Model (use a COM bridge) - create an instance of the Outlook.Application COM object, create new message using Application.CreateItem(0), populate the message properties (subject, Body, Recipients, etc,.) and either call MailItem.Send or display the message using MailItem.Display and trap the MailItem.Send event.