


I have broken down this issue into the smallest example possible (i.e., it's only to demonstrate the problem, not to necessarily represent a real-world scenario).

让我们说我有一个包含子视图(子视图在这里)父视图(的MainView在这里)。如果在任何时候,我需要重新呈现父视图(这由此重新呈现子视图),我,失去了事件绑定在子视图,尽管调用 delegateEvents

Let's say I have a parent view ("MainView" here) that contains a child view ("SubView" here). If, at any point, I need to re-render the parent view (which thereby re-renders the child view), I am losing the event bindings in the child view, despite calling delegateEvents.


A jsfiddle can be found here:


Here is the code in full:

var MainView = Backbone.View.extend({
    tagName : "div",
    initialize : function() {
        this.subView = new SubView();
    render : function() {
        this.$el.html(this.subView.render().$el); // .html() breaks binds
        this.subView.delegateEvents(); // this re-establishes them
        return this;

var SubView = Backbone.View.extend({
    tagName : "div",
    events : {
        "click .button1" : "onButtonPress"
    onButtonPress : function() {
        alert("Button pressed");
    render : function() {
        var html = "<button class='button1'>Button1</button>";
        return this;

var v = new MainView();
$("#area1").html(v.render().$el); // binds work fine

// do some work... then re-render...

$("#area1").html(v.render().$el); // breaks event binds

我不明白为什么会这样。任何投入将大大AP preciated。

I do not understand why this is happening. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


To preserve the bindings you could do three things.

使用 $。追加将让您的绑定完好无损,也照顾你不会丢失任何同级的内容。

Using $.append will keep your bindings intact and also take care that you don't lose any sibling content.

在您的code你重新渲染你的看法,也重新重视它的内容。这是没有必要的。简单地调用 v.render()将实现同样的视觉效果,但保留您的绑定不变。

In your code you re-render your view and also re-attach it's content. This is not necessary. Simply calling v.render() will achieve the same visual result but keep your bindings intact.

var v = new MainView();
$("#area1").html(v.render().$el); // binds work fine

// do some work... then re-render…

v.render(); // keeps event binds

$("#area1").append(v.render().$el); // works too

调用$的.html之前使用$ .empty()()

按照 jQuery的文档$的.html(htmlString)


If you are keeping references to these DOM elements and need them to be unchanged, use .empty().html( string ) instead of .html(string) so that the elements are removed from the document before the new string is assigned to the element.

最重要的部分是,$ html的期望一个HTML字符串,而不是元素也解除绑定子节点上的任何事件处理present。我可以解释这种行为的唯一方法是,不知怎的,通过DOM树转化为一个字符串,反之亦然事件被删除。有趣的是,使用$ .empty(),如文档中提到的解决了这个问题。

The important part is that $.html expects an html string, not elements and also unbinds any event handlers present on child nodes. The only way I can explain this behavior is that somehow through transformation of the dom tree to a string and vice versa the events get removed. Interestingly enough, using $.empty() as mentioned in the documentation solves the problem.

// any $.html reference needs to have an $.empty too

// and then later for your mainView