如何检索我刚通过Facebook API发布的帖子的帖子ID


我正在使用以下代码发布到页面的 Feed 连接

i am using the following code to publish to a Page's feed connection

    $attachment = array('message' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
            'name' => 'cccccccccccccccc',
            'caption' => 'cccccccccccccccc',
            'link' => 'http://apps.facebook.com/manydldotnet/',
            'description' => "ccccccccccccc",
            'picture' => "'cccccccccccccccc'",
            'actions' => array(array('name' => 'Download!','link' => 'http://apps.facebook.com/manydldotnet/'))

$result = $facebook->api('/121468571287906/feed/','post',$attachment); 


so the question is how to get the post_id after posting it?

邮政编号存储在 $ result ['id']

这是调用 feed 的返回值; / links /照片等。

It's the return value of the call to feed; this is also the case for /links, /photos, etc.

参考: http://developers.facebook.com/docs / reference / php / facebook-api /