

Instagram折旧了旧的Instagram Platform API.介绍了与Facebook广泛相关的Graph API.但据我了解,它不是替代品.

Instagram depreciates old Instagram Platform API. Graph API, extensively involved with facebook, is presented. But as far as I understand, it is not a replacement.


I only plan to use instagram for login purposes, like facebook login, in my app. However, I cant find a way to implement that with new graph api. Is it possible?



使用新的Instagram Graph API,没有Instagram登录名,如果您已将Instagram帐户转换为企业帐户并连接到Facebook页面,则可以使用该Facebook帐户登录以检索该Instagram帐户,信息,帖子和故事.

With new Instagram Graph API, there is no Instagram login, if you have a converted your Instagram account to business account and connected to a facebook page, then you can login with that facebook account to retrieve that Instagram account, info, posts and stories.

Graph API不能直接替代Legacy API,我认为Legacy API不再获得批准

Graph API is not a direct replacement for the Legacy APIs, I dont think anymore Legacy API is getting approved