在while循环中使用PHP MySQL Delete函数




I'm kinda stuck here. I've made a login for our employees to easily create new invoice (it's in danish though, sorry) and almost everything is completed. But one thing I can't figure out how to do, is to delete a material (materiale in danish) from a while loop. I've got a form with a while loop within it, which displays all of the materials, and right next to the material input fields I've created a small a href link, which should delete the field with some help from javascript. It deletes the field perfectly, but doesn't delete the data from our mysql database. So every time I refresh the page, then the data are back. Updating and inserting isn't a problem. The code looks like this:

$ct_update = 0;

foreach ($_POST['beskrivelse_update'] as $k => $value) {
    $beskrivelse_update = addslashes($value);
    $enhed_update           = addslashes($_POST['enhed_update'][$ct_update]);
    $stk_update         = addslashes($_POST['stk_update'][$ct_update]);
    $vejl_eks_moms_update   = addslashes($_POST['vejl_eks_moms_update'][$ct_update]);

    $update_id              = (int)$_POST['update_id'][$ct_update];

    $db->query("UPDATE faktura_materialer SET beskrivelse = '$beskrivelse_update', enhed = '$enhed_update', stk = '$stk_update', vejl_eks_moms = '$vejl_eks_moms_update', subtotal = '$stk_update' * '$vejl_eks_moms_update' WHERE id = '$update_id' LIMIT 1");


$ct_ny = 0;

    foreach ($_POST['beskrivelse_ny'] as $k => $value) {
        $beskrivelse_ny = addslashes($value);
        $enhed_ny           = addslashes($_POST['enhed_ny'][$ct_ny]);
        $stk_ny         = addslashes($_POST['stk_ny'][$ct_ny]);
        $vejl_eks_moms_ny   = addslashes($_POST['vejl_eks_moms_ny'][$ct_ny]);

        $db->query("INSERT INTO faktura_materialer (faktura_id, beskrivelse, enhed, stk, vejl_eks_moms, subtotal) VALUES ('".$_faktura->faktura_id."', '".$beskrivelse_ny."', '".$enhed_ny."', '".$stk_ny."', '".$vejl_eks_moms_ny."', '".$stk_ny."' * '".$vejl_eks_moms_ny."')");



Hopefully you understand what I want to do, otherwise just comment. Have a nice evening peeps :)


I want the delete query to be submitted when the user clicks the submit button "Save changes". This is my javascript code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function myFunction()
var table = document.getElementById("produkter_rows");
var row = table.insertRow(-1);
var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);
var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
var cell3 = row.insertCell(2);
var cell4 = row.insertCell(3);
var cell5 = row.insertCell(4);
cell1.innerHTML = '<td><input style="width:450px;" class="text-input" type="text" name="beskrivelse_ny[]" value=""></td>';
cell2.innerHTML = '<td><input style="width:60px;" class="text-input" type="text" name="enhed_ny[]" value=""></td>';
cell3.innerHTML = '<td><input style="width:30px;" class="text-input" type="text" name="stk_ny[]" value=""></td>';
cell4.innerHTML = '<td><input style="width:205px;" class="text-input" type="text" name="vejl_eks_moms_ny[]" value=""></td>';
cell5.innerHTML = '<td><a href="#" onclick="removeRow(this)" id="addNew" title="Slet produkt"><img src="images/icons/slet.gif" width="16" alt="Slet" /></a></td>';

removeRow = function(el) {


When the user clicks the delete icon right next to the material, then it will be deleted. And it does delete the input fields, but not from the database in mysql.



This is HTML and PHP for updating current data in MySQL database:

$materialer_query = $db->query("SELECT faktura_materialer.id as materialer_id, faktura.*, faktura_materialer.* FROM faktura, faktura_materialer WHERE faktura_materialer.faktura_id = faktura.id");

while($mat = $materialer_query->fetch_object()){

        <input type="hidden" name="update_id[]" value="<? print $mat->id; ?>" />
        <td><input style="width:450px;" class="text-input" type="text" name="beskrivelse_update[]" value="<? print $mat->beskrivelse; ?>"></td>
        <td><input style="width:60px;" class="text-input" type="text" name="enhed_update[]" value="<? print $mat->enhed; ?>"></td>
        <td><input style="width:30px;" class="text-input" type="text" name="stk_update[]" value="<? print $mat->stk; ?>"></td>
        <td><input style="width:205px;" class="text-input" type="text" name="vejl_eks_moms_update[]" value="<? print $mat->vejl_eks_moms; ?>"></td>
        <td><a href="#" onclick="removeRow(this)" id="addNew" title="Slet produkt"><img src="images/icons/slet.gif" width="16" alt="Slet" /></a></td>



The hidden input field name="update_id[]" is added to the form when I am updating. I hope this helps...


You need to inform the PHP script that you wish to delete the record. One solution would be to use a hidden input which is set when you call removeRow, e.g.

function removeRow(el) {
    // get the table row
    var row = $(el).parents('tr:first');

    // disable the input fields for the row
    $('input', row).attr('disabled', 'disabled');

    // rename update_id to delete_id and re-enable the field
    $('input[name="update_id[]"]', row).attr('name', 'delete_id[]').removeAttr('disabled');

    // hide the row


This method no longer removes the table row from the DOM. However, it will disable the input fields contained in the row and adds a hidden input with the name beskrivelse_delete.


When the form is submitted, your PHP will now have a way to know which records need to be deleted.

foreach ($_POST['delete_id'] as $deleteId) {
    $deleteId = (int)$deleteId;
    $db->query("DELETE FROM faktura_materialer WHERE id = $deleteId");

更新:我创建了一个 phpfiddle ,您可能希望对其进行一些改进学习关于.这些要点包括:

Update: I've created a phpfiddle which has some improvements that you may wish to learn about. These points include:

  • 在未启用JavaScript的情况下支持删除
  • 使用准备的语句(首选add_slashes)
  • 使用 htmlspecialchars
  • 转义输出
  • 基于增量计数器明确定义输入ID,以避免猜测
  • Supporting deletion where JavaScript is not enabled
  • Using prepared statements (preferred to add_slashes)
  • Escaping output by using htmlspecialchars
  • Explicitly defining input ids to avoid guessing based on an incremental counter