即使没有更改,JSON Web令牌也不再具有“解码"属性


我有一个为用户提供令牌的功能,以便他们可以使用Twilio Video API访问视频聊天室.根据他们的文档,我们使用以下代码对JSON Web令牌进行解码,以向我们提供其令牌:

I have a function which provides a token for a user so they can access a video chat room using the Twilio Video API. Following their docs, we decode a JSON Web Token with the following code to give us their token:

token = AccessToken(ACCOUNT_SID, API_KEY, API_SECRET, identity=f'{request.user.email}')
token.add_grant(VideoGrant(room='My Room'))
context = {
    'token': token.to_jwt().decode()


This worked perfectly locally, and upon pushing it to live servers, continued to work there without fault. However, a few pushes later, with no changes to this code, and this error (below) has suddenly occurred. This also comes at the same time as another error, which is an ascii encoding error, which I believe may be linked.


It's strange that although no changes have been made to this token object, or the function, that we suddenly encounter this error with decoding this token. If anyone has any pointers, would be greatly appreciated.

PyJWT将 jwt.encode 的返回类型从 bytes 更改为 str : https://pyjwt.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/stable/changelog.html#jwt-encode-return-type

PyJWT changed the return type of jwt.encode from bytes to str: https://pyjwt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/changelog.html#jwt-encode-return-type

解决方案是将 PyJWT 包降级/固定为 1.7.1 或删除对 decode

Solution is to either downgrade/pin the PyJWT package to 1.7.1 or remove the call to decode

context = {
    'token': token.to_jwt()