是否有可能在android studio中用python编写代码?


是否可以在android studio中用python编写代码?

is it possible to code in python inside android studio?


how can I do it. I have an android app that I am try to develop. and I want to code some part in python. Thanks for the help how can I do it. I have an android app that I am try to develop. and I want to code some part in python. Thanks for the help

如果您的意思是用python(例如,另一部分用Java)编码Android应用程序的一部分,则目前尚不可能.但是,您可以编写Python脚本并将其包含在您的项目中,然后在将以某种方式调用它的应用程序部分中进行编写.另外,您可以将Android Studio用作Python脚本的文本编辑器.要使用Python开发适用于Android的应用,您必须为其使用适当的库.

If you mean coding part of your Android application in python (and another part for example in Java) it's not possible for now. However, you can write Python script and include it in your project, then write in your application part that will invoke it somehow. Also, you can use Android Studio as a text editor for Python scripts. To develop apps for Android in Python you have to use a proper library for it.