



What I want to achieve is to have a centralised place for the notifications to be received, so no matter on what window or tab a user is the notification will be received and callback functions to be fired.


If a project relies heavily on the Apple Push Notifications what would (In Titanium Mobile) be the best place to insert the code for the notification requests and callback.


I thought this would happen automatically but it does not, currently I have the registerForPushNotifications placed in a file that is included on every window & tab. But if a push notification is send then it is received on every tab, but if I change the tab the notification is again received.

所以,如果我把 registerForPushNotifications 上一个包含文件的通知将获得无数次艰难的,即使它被触发一次。

So if I place the registerForPushNotifications on a included file the notification will be received numerous times even tough it is fired once.


Based on what you've said about your code, you're having trouble because you have multiple execution contexts (i.e. every tab has a window with the url property to another JavaScript file). Rather than using multiple contexts, load up the windows in a single context (using at least CommonJS, and optimally Alloy). Then you can register your callback in app.js, or in a CommonJS module called from your app.js. Your problem wouldn't exist in that scenario.