


This question is similar to some other questions on * (here, here and here), but different enough so that I cannot extrapolate those answers to my case.


I have a function in which I fit a C5.0 model and than try to plot the model.

train_d <- globald[train_ind,c(features,21)]
model <- C5.0(binclass ~ .,data=train_d,trials=10)

binclass 是一列我的训练/测试数据中的名称(globald是一个数据框,我在该数据框中用 _ind 索引和列 c(3:12,21),其中列21名为 bin类)。拟合效果很好。但是,当我同时添加行

binclass is a column name in my training/test data (globald is a dataframe from which I subset rows with _ind indices and columns c(3:12,21), where column 21 is named binclass). Fitting works well. However, when I also add the line


然后出现以下错误: is.data.frame(data)中的错误:找不到对象'train_d'

then I get the following error: Error in is.data.frame(data) : object 'train_d' not found.

在拟合模型时,如何找到并正确使用 train_d ,但是在绘制时, train_d 找不到地方了吗?并且,关于如何解决此问题的任何建议。

How is it possible that when fitting the model, train_d is found and used correctly, but while plotting, train_d is nowhere to be found? And, any suggestion of how to solve this issue. Namespaces in [r] remain a mystery to me.


A minimal running example is the following:

f <- function(){
    class = c(1,2)
    d <- data.frame(feature1 = sample(1:10,10,replace=TRUE), feature2 = 1:10, binclass = class)
    d$binclass <- as.factor(d$binclass)
    model <- C5.0(binclass ~ ., data=d)

调用 f()会导致以下错误: is.data.frame(data)中的错误:找不到对象'd'

Calling f() results in the following error: Error in is.data.frame(data) : object 'd' not found

根据MrFlick的回答,似乎是导致此问题的原因是C5.0代码中的错误。 Pascal和MrFlick指出了一些解决方法。

As per the answer from MrFlick, it seems that the cause of this problem is a bug in the C5.0 code. There are some workarounds are indicated by Pascal and MrFlick.

涉及到代码中似乎确实存在错误。在适当的环境中评估命令。问题似乎出在 C50 :: model.frame.C5.0 函数中。我能找到的最干净的解决方法是在模型中添加 terms 属性。这将有助于封装函数环境。

There does appear to be a bug in the code when it comes to evaluating the command in the proper environment. The problem appears to be in the C50::model.frame.C5.0 function. The "cleanest" work around I could find was to add a terms property to your model. This will help encapsulate the function environment.

f <- function(){
    class = c(1,2)
    d <- data.frame(feature1 = sample(1:10,10,replace=TRUE), feature2 = 1:10, binclass = class)
    d$binclass <- as.factor(d$binclass)
    model <- C5.0(binclass ~ ., data=d)
    model$terms <- eval(model$call$formula)   #<---- Added line