

我在这里有一个问题,试图在OS X上获取任何捕获设备输入端口。专用于音频(例如内置麦克风)。这是我运行的代码。

I'm having an issue here trying to get any capture device input port on OS X. Specifically for audio (for example built in mic). Here's the code I'm running.

NSArray * devices = [AVCaptureDevice devices];
NSLog(@"devices = %li", devices.count);


The output for that is always 0. Now if I create an AVCaptureScreenInput port I can manage to get that to work, but I can't get audio with it. The ultimate goal is to record the screen and also capture audio at the same time. The problem is getting the audio port.


How stupid of me. Sandboxing was on and Microphone was not checked. I hope my stupidity helps someone else here.