


I am using golang (go get) to fetch code from github.com (various repos) into a local repo


However, afterwards I am unable to push these to local bit bucket server.

BUT, If I download zips from git hub and extract and then i can push to local source code repo.

Am I doing it wrong and what should otherwise be doing ?

thank you


c:\ gopath \ src \ ... code> p>

但是,此后我无法将它们推送到本地位 p>

但是,如果我从git hub下载zip并解压缩,然后可以推送到本地源代码仓库。 p>

我正在做 错了,应该怎么做? p>

谢谢 p> div>

You'll need to add a git remote for each repository that you've pulled.

$ git remote add bitbucket https://mybitbucketserver.example.com/bitbucket/projects/repo.git

And when you need to push to bitbucket, you say:

$ git push bitbucket master

Ref: https://help.github.com/articles/adding-a-remote/

Edit: Consolidating Dependencies

You might also consider including a git-aware package manager like glide into your build workflow.