

在安装Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 10158之后,我尝试部署的任何应用程序均失败,代码如下:

After installing Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 10158, any app I attempt to Deploy Fails with code:

错误:DEP0700:应用程序注册失败. Windows无法部署到文件系统类型NTFS的路径测试. (0x80073cfd)

这非常烦人,而且在我的Surface Pro 3上也没有发生过,该版本也已更新为内部版本10158,所以我现在必须使用它.有什么办法解决这个问题?

This is extremely annoying, and it isn't occurring on my Surface Pro 3, which was also updated to build 10158, so I'll have to use that for now. Is there any way of fixing this?


I have seen other Questions in the forums like this, however they had FAT32 file systems, while this is occurring on an NTFS file system.




实际上,这个论坛是在讨论VS调试器工具,看来这不是VS调试器的问题,只是为了清楚地说明此问题,您是如何部署应用程序的?您部署了哪种应用程序,Windows通用应用程序或其他应用程序?哪个VS 您使用的版本?

Actually this forum is to discuss the VS debugger tool, it seems that this issue is not the VS debugger issue, just to make this issue clearly, How did you deploy your app? which kind of app did you deploy, Windows universal app or others? Which VS version did you use?


Please let us know more information, maybe I could help you find a more appropriate forum.

如果它在其他计算机上运行良好,请检查是否是您的VS IDE问题.例如,您可以使用相同的VS版本修复VS,并确保没有安装错误.或者,您可以更改项目位置,然后重新部署.

If it worked well in other machine, please check that whether it is your VS IDE issue. For example, you could repair your VS, and make sure no setup error, using the same VS version. Or you could change the project location, and then re-deploy it again.

