将我的 Java Slick 游戏放到网站上


我使用基于状态的游戏在 Java 中制作了一个 GUI,因为它扩展了 StateBasedGame 而不是 JApplet 它不是一个真正的小程序,我想把它放在一个网站上我不确定如何执行此操作,有人告诉我,以下代码允许我使用 html 将其制作成小程序,而不必编辑 Java 代码:

I have made a GUI in Java using State Based Game, as it extends StateBasedGame and not JApplet its not a true applet, I want to put it on a website and am unsure on how to do this, I have been told that the following code allows me to make this into an applet using html and not having to edit the Java code:

<applet code="org.lwjgl.util.applet.AppletLoader" 
        width="640" height="480">

  <param name="al_title" value="Ham Blaster"> 
  <param name="al_main" value="org.newdawn.slick.AppletGameContainer"> 
  <param name="game" value="org.javagame.Game">

  <param name="al_jars" value="racegame.jar, lwjgl.jar, slick.jar"> 

  <param name="al_windows" value="windows_natives.jar"> 
  <param name="al_linux" value="linux_natives.jar"> 
  <param name="al_mac" value="macosx_natives.jar"> 

  <param name="separate_jvm" value="true"> 

当我运行 html 代码时,我的屏幕*出现以下错误:

When I run the html code I get the following error on the centre of my screen:

An error occurred while loading the applet. Please contact support to resolve this issue. missing required applet parameter: al_main.

我查看了 ApplerGameContainer 的 slick 内部,但我只能找到 chrome 文件,我尝试将这些文件与 html 文件放在同一目录中,但我仍然遇到相同的错误.

I have looked inside slick for the ApplerGameContainer but I can only find chrome files, I tried putting these in the same directory as the html file but I still get the same error.

如果有些事情看起来很简单并且问我似乎太明显了,请告诉我,因为我是 Java 新手,我之前使用此代码的错误是因为我的 html 和 lwjgl_util_applet.jar 不在同一目录中,所以请告诉我任何可能对我有帮助的.

If something seems very simple and may seem too obvious to ask me, please tell me because I am new to Java, my previous error with this code was because I did not have my html and lwjgl_util_applet.jar in the same directory, so please tell me anything that may help me.


我不太确定,但根据 sources 错误来自 init 方法

I am not pretty sure, but according to sources the error comes from init method

     * @see java.applet.Applet#init()
    public void init() {
        state = STATE_INIT;

        // sanity check
        String[] requiredArgs = {"al_main", "al_logo", "al_progressbar", "al_jars"};
        for(int i=0; i<requiredArgs.length; i++) {
            if(getParameter(requiredArgs[i]) == null) {
                fatalErrorOccured("missing required applet parameter: " + requiredArgs[i], null);

//...           }       

所以看起来你的 al_main 参数值是 null 或什么:S

so it seems your al_main param value is null or something :S


<param name="al_main" value="org.newdawn.slick.AppletGameContainer"> 

... 可能 因为我没有看到您将所有其余必需的参数初始化为 "al_logo", "al_progressbar"

... maybe because I don't see you to init all the rest required params as "al_logo", "al_progressbar"


Anyways, it would be more helpful you to show the problem code
