

我遇到一个问题,CDI注入到JBoss 7.1.1中的Weld容器中

I'm running into a issue with CDI Injection into a Weld container in JBoss 7.1.1


class ServiceEjb {
A a;

class A {
B b;

class B {
A a;


When trying to inject A or B in my stateless class, injection loop and crash with a javax.enterprise.inject.CreationException.


I try many thing (scoping, @Singleton on A or B but without success). I don't want to break the code, and those injections makes senses.


Any clues will be greatly appreciated.

CDI标准不要求循环依赖注入,除非循环中至少有一个bean具有正常范围最简单的解决方案是给A或B一个正常的范围。如果你不能给出一个正常的范围(从代码模型,它看起来都是默认的code> @Dependent 伪范围),您将不得不寻找其他解决方案。发布真实的代码示例可能会让我们为您提供特定的解决方案,但这是一个开始:

Circular dependency injection is not required by the CDI standard, unless at least one bean in the cycle has a normal scope. The easiest solution to this is to give A or B a normal scope. If you can't give either a normal scope (from the code mock-up, it looks like they all have the default @Dependent pseudo-scope), you will have to look for other solutions. Posting a real code sample might let us help you with a particular solution, but here is a start:

  • 可以将A和B组合成同一个类?

  • 可以从A和B中提取一个新类C,以便A和B @Inject C,而不是彼此?

  • Can A and B be combined into the same class?
  • Can a new class, C, be extracted from A and B, so that both A and B @Inject C instead of each other?


Here are some SO links with other solutions that you might find helpful:

