


I want create a visual timeline of all company events. The HTML for the timeline is built using a loop.

为简单起见,我们假设两个模型雇用& 交易。两种模型都具有 date 属性和某些模型特定的属性。如何合并两个模型的 ActiveRecord 结果,然后 order 合并的哈希值按合并日期,放入一个我可以循环通过的哈希?

For simplicity let's assume two models Hire & Deal. Both models have a date attribute and some model specific attributes. How do I merge the ActiveRecord results of both models, and then order the combined hash by date, into a single hash that I can loop through?

假设结果同时查询 Hire Deal 模型是对象数组( collection ),然后您只需使用 + 将它们连接成一个新数组,并在日期之前使用 sort_by

Well, assuming that the result of querying both Hire and Deal models is an array of objects (collection), then you just use + to concatenate them into a new array and sort items by date with sort_by:

combined = ( Hire.all + Deal.all ).sort_by(&:date)

或使用 concat 将一个集合与另一个集合连接:

or use concat to concatenate one collection with another:

combined = Hire.all.concat( Deal.all ).sort_by(&:date)