


A little confusion as to the behaviour of Moq with MsTest.


This is not a question of "How do I test?" or "How do I assert?", this is a scratch pad to see how MoQ works so don't focus on the exception type etc.

我认为一个更好的问题可能是=>"Moq投掷行为是否类似于MsTest ExpectedExceptionAttribute?"也就是说,他们期望测试或SUT中有异常吗?

I think a better question may be => "Does Moq Throws<> behave similar to MsTest ExpectedExceptionAttribute?" That is, they're expecting an exception in the test or the SUT?


I'd like to know just how MoQ "Throws" works when used with MsTest. Is it better to not use the MsTest expected exception attribute? Is it better to perform a try..catch within the test? I have a few more questions surrounding this.


I am Mocking a database call and when an error occurs I would like to return zero (0).


The TestMethod is straight forward with the MsTest exception attribute, and the throws exception with Moq. It only works when I throw an exception within the SaveCart method and not when I return zero.


I would like to understand the underlying behaviour because it feels as though I shouldn't, nor want to throw an exception within the SaveCart method.


public void CartRepoSaveCartExceptionShouldReturnZero()
     _cartDatabaseMock.Setup(c => c.SaveCart(_cart))

    var result = _cartRepository.SaveCart(_cart);

    Assert.AreEqual(result, _cartSaveExceptionValue);


Here is the basic SaveCart which does NOT throw an exception causing the test to fail:

public long SaveCart(Cart cart )
    long returnValue;

        returnValue = _cartDatabase.SaveCart(cart);
    catch (Exception)
        return 0;
    return returnValue;


Here is a basic SaveCart where the test works because it's throwing an exception:

public long SaveCart(Cart cart )
    long returnValue;

        returnValue = _cartDatabase.SaveCart(cart);
    catch (Exception)
        throw new ApplicationException();
    return returnValue;


Feel free to suggest a better title for the question if it doesn't quite explain it clearly.


You are right - the second test "SaveCart" works because it's throwing an exception and the the first test fail because you are turning 0. From your response to previous answers, I am sure you already know all of this. If you are asking for the behavior how it failed your first test... it goes like this:

  1. SaveCart被称为
  2. 它返回一个异常(您的最小起订量的结果)
  3. 您的try catch捕获到异常(您是故意这样做的,以改变结果)
  4. 您的try catch返回0(现在您打算更改结果为0)
  5. Assert针对_cartSaveExceptionValue检查您的结果
  6. 您将获得失败测试,​​声明与此内容类似:消息:Assert.AreEqual失败.预期.实际."


If you want to double check this... you can try the following test

  1. 注释[ExpectedException(typeof())]
  2. 将Assert.AreEqual(result,_cartSaveExceptionValue)更改为Assert.AreEqual(result,0);
  3. 该测试应该通过,因为您正在将结果"(aka 0)与0进行比较


I hope this answer your question.