

我对时区和postgresql数据库(Rails 3.0.4,PostgreSQL 9.0)有问题。我正在使用自定义范围,在其中添加了一些条件,进行了连接等。

I have a problem with timezones and a postgresql db (Rails 3.0.4, PostgreSQL 9.0). I'm using a custom scope, in which I append some conditions, do joins etc.pp.


The problem is, that Rails don't convert the times to my local timezone. Here is the code of the scope:

  scope :with_activities_within_range_in_week, lambda{ |latMin, lngMin, latMax, lngMax, date|
    select("date_trunc('day', activities.starting_at) as date,
      count(activities.id) as value
    ") \
    .within(latMin, lngMin, latMax, lngMax) \
    .joins(:activities) \
    .merge(Activity.in_week(date)) \
    .group("date") \

内部方法检查范围, Activity.in_week范围返回以下内容:

The within method checks for ranges, the Activity.in_week scope returns this:

where("activities.starting_at >= ? AND activities.starting_at < ?", start, stop)


And in the select statement, I want to trunc the starting_at field to day.


I'm getting the following output for the date field:

2011-04-07 18:48:32
2011-04-02 14:07:20
2011-04-02 14:06:49

很遗憾,它不包含时区。当我尝试通过正常 Rails函数访问模型时,它会起作用:

Unfortunately it doesn't include the timezone. When I try to access my model through the "normal" Rails functions, it works:

puts Activity.first.starting_at
-> 2011-04-15 06:47:55 +0200


What I'm doing wrong? Hope someone can help!


thx, tux


Your database is storing your timestamps in UTC (as it should). ActiveRecord is making timezone adjustments when it knows that it has a timestamp; so, when you say this:

puts Activity.first.starting_at

AR知道 starting_at 是一个时间戳,因此将时间戳实例化为 ActiveSupport :: TimeWithZone 实例,该类将应用时区调整。但是,当您这样说:

AR knows that starting_at is a timestamp so it instantiates the timestamp as an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instance and that class applies the timezone adjustment. But, when you say this:

select("date_trunc('day', activities.starting_at) as date ...

AR不会解析SQL以找出 date_trunc 将返回一个时间戳,AR甚至都不知道 date_trunc 是什么意思,AR只会从数据库中看到一个字符串,并将其传递给您无需任何解释,就可以自己随意将字符串提供给 ActiveSupport :: TimeWithZone (或您最喜欢的时间处理类):告诉AR事情没有错

AR isn't going to parse the SQL to figure out that date_trunc will return a timestamp, AR doesn't even know what date_trunc means. AR will just see a string coming out of the database and it will hand it to you without interpretation. You are free to feed that string to ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone (or your favorite time handling class) yourself: there's nothing wrong with telling AR things that it does not and cannot know on its own.


Rails is clever but it isn't magic.