您上传了一个可调试的 APK.出于安全原因,您需要先禁用调试,然后才能将其发布到 Google Play-Upload apk to google play


我想将我的 apk 上传到 google play 商店.但是它的显示错误是这样的.

I Want to upload my apk to google play store.but its Show me error like this.

**You uploaded a debuggable APK. For security reasons you need to disable debugging before it can be published in Google Play**

然后我搜索了这个,我收到了更改 manifast.xml 中的 android:debuggable="false" 的建议.

and than i searched for this and i receive suggetion to change the android:debuggable="false" in manifast.xml.




    android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >

在我的 build.grable(Module)

and in my build.grable(Module)

android {
buildTypes {
    debug {
        debuggable false

1.上传 Apk 到 google play store 就够了吗?

1.is the enough for upload Apk to google play store?

2.如果我在此更改后从我的项目文件夹(app>>build>>output>>apk>>apk-debug.apk)中获取 apk,而不是在它能够在 google play 中上传之后商店??

2.if i pick up apk from my project folder(app>>build>>output>>apk>>apk-debug.apk) after this change than after it will able to upload in google play store??

不要使用 debug 变体输出!构建发布 apk.您可以通过转到菜单 Build -> Generate Signed APK 在 Android Studio 中执行此操作.或者,如果您在构建文件中正确配置了签名,则执行 ./gradlew assembleRelease.

Don't use the debug variant output! Build a release apk. You can do that in Android Studio by going to the menu Build -> Generate Signed APK. Or by executing ./gradlew assembleRelease if you have properly configured signing in the build file.