如何从 Android Studio 中的特定文件中删除所有评论?



I have some big files in my project with many lines commented.

因此,Android Studio 中可能有一些功能可以从注释中清理"文件(当然不包括 javadoc 注释),例如组织导入"以删除文件中未使用的导入.

Usually when I change something in my code, I comment unnecessary lines first and after testing remove them.
But sometimes at the end there are too many comments in a big file, and it is hard to remove them.
So, may be there is some function in Android Studio to 'clean up' file from comments (excluding javadoc comments, of course) like 'Organize imports' for removing unused imports in file.
Or, maybe, some kind of highlighting commented lines, so I can easily see what to remove.


Can you help me with that?
Any ideas are appreciated


Try with regex, to replace the match with nothing



也匹配 Javadocs,所以你必须稍微调整一下.您还可以尝试其他变体.

This is also matching the Javadocs, so you would have to tweak it a bit. There are also other variations that you can try.

看看其他 SO 问题.建议使用处理注释并将它们从源中剥离的 ANT 任务.通过这种方式,您可以拥有一个调用 ANT 任务的按钮或键盘快捷键.

Have a look at this other SO question. It is suggesting to use an ANT task that is processing the comments and strip them from the source. In this way you can have a button or keyboard shortcut that is calling the ANT task.


As suggestion put a Label in the history before doing big search and replace so later you can compare if want to restore any comments that may have been stripped.