通过Visual Studio运行应用程序时出现“访问冲突”


当我从Visual Studio中运行命令行应用程序时,一个命令总是失败,并出现以下错误:

When I run my command-line application from within Visual Studio, one command always fails with below error:

The program '[7316] MyProgram.vshost.exe' has exited with code -1073741819 (0xc0000005) 'Access violation'.


When I debug the code, this happens after the last execute line. Meaning the application performs it's function correctly but then crashes. When I build the project and run the exe file in the command-line I get no error and it works fine.

该项目使用第3方dll,而该文件又是AFAIK调用C或C ++ dll,例如。 .Net中未编码的内容。

The project uses a 3rd party dll which in turn AFAIK calls a C or C++ dll, eg. something not coded in .Net.


My questions: Can I ignore this error since the app works fine when built? If not, what could be the potential issue and how can I solve it?


Can I ignore this error since the app works fine when built?


I wouldn't ignore the issue. If your application fails during closing, there is possibly something wrong in destructing the objects and returning the handles to Windows (most likely the latter). This might get you in a production scenario eventually.


If not, what could be the potential issue and how can I solve it?

如上所述,我认为释放句柄是个问题。如果您使用某些用C ++编写的第三方DLL,则可能存在问题。尝试设置一些日志记录,看看异常的堆栈跟踪是什么。这可能使您知道问题出在哪里。也许这甚至是一个问题,您都可以报告给DLL的供应商。

As said, I think releasing handles is the issue. If you use some third party DLL which is written in C++, possibly there is the issue. Try to set up some logging and see what the stack trace of the exception is. This might give you an idea where the problem is caused. Maybe this is even an issue you can report back to the vendor of the DLL.