


Here is my Application.mk:

APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a 
APP_PLATFORM := android-16
APP_OPTIM := release
APP_STL := gnustl_static
APP_CPPFLAGS := -std=gnu++11

APP_PLATFORM的值是android-16,因此我们可以支持Android OS 4.1及更高版本.

The value for APP_PLATFORM is android-16 so that we can support Android OS version 4.1 and above.

我知道在APP_PLATFORM设置为android-16的情况下,应用程序可以正常运行.这意味着我没有使用任何比android-16更新的Android功能.如果将其更改为android-19怎么办?由于我没有使用任何较新的Android功能,因此我认为代码在OS 4.1上仍然可以正常工作.请分享您的智慧.问候.

I know that the app builds fine withAPP_PLATFORMset toandroid-16. It implies that I am not using any Android functionality that is newer thanandroid-16. What if I change it toandroid-19? As I am not using any newer Android functionality, I am thinking the code should still work fine on OS 4.1. Please share your wisdom. Regards.


Bionic headers haven't changed between android-16 and android-19 (they changed a lot with android-21), so you may be fine compiling against android-19 and running on android-16 devices.


BUT the NDK platforms aren't supposed to be backward compatible. Compiling against an higher platform than the one your lib will run on isn't right.


All the platforms that are part of the NDK are maintained and bugs are fixed, so there is no reason to build against a higher platform if you're not using new functionalities.