

我有使用YouTube API的经验.但我一直将其用于公开视频.现在.我想要实现的是使我的YouTube频道上的视频完全不可见(换句话说,不公开),并仅向网站用户显示该视频.

I have experience with YouTube API. But I always used it for public videos. Now. what I want to achieve is, to make video on my YouTube channel TOTALLY invisible (in other word private) and shows this video only to website users.


这来自 Google的产品论坛

为澄清.是的,您可以嵌入私人视频.但是,这样做确实是不可行的,因为YouTube的私人视频要求观看者拥有YouTube帐户,并已登录该帐户并将该帐户添加到视频的访问列表中.他们仅限于50人. 您可以嵌入未公开的视频,因为它们与私人视频没有相同的身份验证限制.但是,查看未列出的视频以了解URL所需的所有操作.如果您的网站被搜索引擎抓取,则不公开的视频也可能是公开的.

For clarification. Yes, you can embed private videos. However, it really isn't feasible to do so since YouTube's private videos require that the viewer have a YouTube account, be signed into that account and have that account added to the video's access list. They are limited to 50 people. You can embed unlisted videos, they don't have the same authentication restrictions as private videos. However, all that is necessary to view an unlisted video to know the URL. If your website is crawled by search engines, the unlisted video may as well be public.


You may want to look into self-hosting your own videos to have better control and to be sure that you aren't violating YouTube's Terms of Service (which prohibits some uses of the embedded player).


Vimeo.com also has more robust access controls and can only allow the video to be embedded on a specific domain. However, they don't allow commercial use...so that may be a catch if that applies to you.