


I am working on an e-commerce website. While displaying the available mobiles, user can filter the results by the following filters:

  1. 品牌名称

  • 三星
  • 诺基亚
  • HTC
  • (还有更多)


  • $ 100- $ 200
  • $ 200- $ 300
  • (依此类推)


  • Android手机
  • 低成本手机
  • 音乐手机
  • 3G手机
  • ...(还有更多)

我想使用以下GET参数生成一个SQL查询,该查询将在每次应用过滤器时执行.假设当前过滤器是Brand=Samsung,那么我的链接将是 http://xyz.com/mobiles. php?brand = samsung

I want to use the following GET parameters to generate a sql query which will execute everytime a filter is applied. Suppose the current filter is Brand=Samsung then my link will be http://xyz.com/mobiles.php?brand=samsung


For the above filters, PHP code for generating the SQL query is as follows (using lots of if/else statements and isset() function):

$sql = "SELECT * from items ";
     $sql = $sql . "where brand=".$_GET['brand']." ";
/*similar statements*/


Please don't go on the accuracy of the above PHP statements, I have not mentioned the full code. Finally I have the following SQL generated which will provide the result:



This SQL query will result the matching products and I will display the results on webpage accordingly. Please answer the following questions:

  1. 在使用了上述过滤器(品牌)之后,假设还应用了价格过滤器.如何 我可以知道brand过滤器已经在那里 我可以将用户重定向到

  1. After the above filters (brand), suppose price filter is also applied. How can I know that brand filter is already there so that I can redirect the user to

http://xyz.com/mobiles.php? brand = samsung& priceMin = 100& priceMax = 200


http://xyz.com/mobiles.php?priceMin=100& priceMax = 200


i.e. how can i just append the price criteria to the url?


Is there any software/library/code available to filter the products?

是否有更好的方法来过滤出产品或有更好的方法来过滤产品 比我上面提到的方法生成SQL?

Is there any better way to filter out products or any better way to generate the SQL than the method I mentioned above?


I am using PHP, MySQL, Apache on Windows machine.

我很想建立一个为每个查询参数调用一个函数的调度表.这使您可以创建安全查询参数的白名单.我还将使用参数化语句来帮助防止SQL注入(某些现有代码不受保护). PDO 使使用参数化语句变得容易.

I'd be tempted to build a dispatch table that calls a function for each query parameter. This allows you to create a whitelist of safe query parameters. I would also use parameterized statements to help guard against SQL injection (something that your existing code is not protected against). PDO makes using parameterized statements easy.


Creating a separate function for each query parameter may seem unnecessary at first, but it means that you can put all your conditions in a separate file, thus keeping your main query function tidy. It also makes future enhancements easier to implement.


The following is an off-the-top-of-my-head rough example. It's not meant to be ready to cut and paste into an application. It's just to give you an idea of what I mean. In a real app, amongst other things, you'd need to include error checking, and would likely move the database connection stuff elsewhere.

// ** query_params.php **

function query_brand () {
    return "brand = ?";

function query_price () {
    return "price BETWEEN ? AND ?";

function query_category () {
    return "category = ?";

// ** product_search.php **

function search () {

    // Build a test GET array.
    $_GET = array(
        'brand'    => 'HTC',
        'price'    => array(100, 200),
        'category' => 'Android Mobiles'

    // Build a dispatch table of safe query parameters.
    $dispatch = array(
        'brand'    => 'query_brand',
        'price'    => 'query_price',
        'category' => 'query_category'

    // An array to hold the conditions.
    $cond = array();

    // An array to hold the bind values.
    $bind = array();

    foreach ( $_GET as $param => $value ) {
        if( isset($dispatch[$param]) ) {
            $cond[] = call_user_func( $dispatch[$param] );
            $bind[] = $value;

    $sql = "SELECT item, brand, price, category " .
           "FROM products";

    if( count($cond) ) {
        // Combine the conditions into a string.
        $where = implode( ' OR ', $cond );
        $sql .= " WHERE $where";

    // Use PDO to connect to the database.  This should
    // probably be done somewhere else.
    $dbh = new PDO(
        "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass,

    // Prepare the SQL statement.
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare( $sql );

    // Execute the statement, passing the values to be
    // bound to the parameter placeholders.
    $stmt->execute( $bind );

    // Fetch and return results...