如何使Windows Phone应用程序加载速度更快喜欢默认的应用程序?



I've observed that the default applications like People, Calculator.etc in Windows phones don't take time to load at all. They don't even have a Splash Screen image. I've tried excluding the SplashScreenImage.jpg from the project in my applications and run it on my phone, my application is static & just displays texts and still it takes time to load, why is it so? How can I make my applications to function like the default windows applications without waiting time and no SplashScreen images?

Windows Phone 7的

在Windows Phone 7这是不可能使一个第三方应用程序,如内置的应用程序,如人民表演,图片,日历,游戏,音乐+视频等。

On Windows Phone 7 it's not possible to make a 3rd party app perform like the built-in apps such as People, Pictures, Calendar, Games, Music+Videos, etc.

这些应用程序大多是有可能用C ++编写,并原生编译,必须在后台运行(这样它们恢复瞬间)特别许可,并有完整的OS /硬件访问。

Those apps are mostly likely written in C++ and are natively compiled, have special permission to run in the background (so they resume instantly), and have full OS/hardware access.

第三方应用程序(即你和我可以写的应用程序)是针对Silverlight的平台,这是不是因为本地编译C ++代码为高性能,这是编译为什么即使一个简单的应用程序没有启动画面和一个的TextBlock 将需要更长的时间比,也就是说加载,内置的游戏应用中(而不是拥有正确的入口动画)。

3rd party apps (ie. the apps you and I can write) are compiled against the Silverlight platform which is not as performant as natively compiled C++ code, which is why even a simple app with no splash screen and a single TextBlock will take longer to load than, say, the built-in Games app (and not feature the proper entrance animation).


So, all you can do is try and make your app startup as fast as possible, given the circumstances. There are 2 great links mentioned in the comments above and I'll add one more...



(It's from 2010 but the advice is still valid)

的Windows Phone 8

业绩是在Windows Phone 8,好了很多,即使现有的WP7应用程序将启动和运行速度更快。但是,如果你正在开始一个新的应用程序只针对WP8,那么应用程序启动时几乎是瞬间,你会得到正确的高考动画在使用内置的透视全景控制。

Performance is a lot better on Windows Phone 8. Even an existing WP7 app will startup and run faster. But if you're starting a new app targeting WP8 only, then app startup is almost instant and you will get the proper 'entrance animation' when using the built-in Pivot and Panorama controls.


在选择发展和支持它的Windows Phone版本,它有助于有真实数据做出你的决定。广告复式最近公布的一些统计数据,从一组在Windows Phone上运行他们的广告...

When choosing which version of Windows Phone to develop for and support, it helps to have real data to make your decision. Ad Duplex recently published some stats from a set of popular apps that run their ads on Windows Phone...


正如你所看到的Windows Phone 8也弥补设备的份额在一些市场(高达78%),所以它可能会更容易入手WP8 - 和你肯定会少性能问题的后顾之忧!

As you can see, Windows Phone 8 does make up the share of devices (up to 78%) in some markets, so it may be easier to start with WP8 - and you would definitely have less performance issues to worry about!