


I am having a Whatsapp chat txt file inside of which emojis have been replaced by such text------> "���"


I want to convert that text to specifics emojis. How can I do that and use it inside a java application?

正如@Abhishek指出的那样,您需要使用其他类型的编码.Whatsapp使用UTF-8进行备份,将表情符号转换为字符串表示形式.如果要查看真正的表情符号,则必须改用Unicode.Unicode包含将表情符号指定为字符"的部分.它们是常规字符,您只需要一种可以显示它们的字体即可.另请参见 Unicode表情符号常见问题解答.

As @Abhishek pointed out, you need to use a different type of encoding. Whatsapp does backup with UTF-8 converting the emoticons into string representations. If you want to see the real emoji, you will have to use Unicode instead. Unicode contains sections which specify emoji as "characters". They're regular characters, you only need a font which can display them. Also see the Unicode Emoji FAQ.


In a text file, characters are basically encoded as numbers in the form of bytes. To display those visually on a computer screen you need a font which contains the visual glyph to render this character. Since the process is always numeric identifier → font → visible glyph, it should be pretty obvious that a "character" can be anything visual, including emoji or any other image.