iOS PhoneGap应用程序因使用localStorage而被拒绝


苹果刚拒绝了我提交的PhoneGap应用。我在应用中使用HTML5 localStorage来保存下载的数据用于缓存目的: 2.23应用必须遵循iOS数据存储准则,否则将被拒绝

Apple just rejected a PhoneGap app I submitted. I utilize HTML5 localStorage in the app to save downloaded data for caching purposes: 2.23 Apps must follow the iOS Data Storage Guidelines or they will be rejected.

我很担心,因为如果有什么我认为localStorage在5.1实际上保存数据在缓存中,而不是在一个地方备份与iCloud [source] 。这是我想要的行为 - 我不需要或不想要备份数据。

I'm seriously confused because if anything I thought localStorage in 5.1 actually saves data in cache and NOT in a place that gets backed up with iCloud [source]. This is the behavior I want - I don't need or want the data to be backed up.


Am I wrong or is Apple? What can I do in a PhoneGap app to save this cached data without being in violation?

编辑: PhoneGap 1.8.1如果有帮助。

PhoneGap 1.8.1 if that helps.

原来我是对的,苹果错了。我确认我正在将所有内容存储在/ Caches目录中。他们没有对我的问题发表评论 - 只是批准了我的应用。

It turns out I was right and Apple was wrong. I confirmed that I was storing everything in the /Caches directory properly. They didn't comment on my question - just approved my app.