


We have a social app where users can chat with each other and we’ve reached 350K messages!

我们最近注意到,随着消息数量的增长,查找操作变得越来越慢!我相信这里的问题是 Message 集合未建立索引.

We recently noticed that as the number of messages is growing, the find operations are getting slower! I believe the issue here is that the Message collection is not indexed.


That’s what I want to do now! I found this piece of code at the MongoDB docs:

db.comments.ensure_index(('discussion_id', 1))


 chatRoom: <Pointer>,
 user: <Pointer>,
 text: <String>,
 isSeen: <Bool>


So I guess this is all I have to do:

db.Message.ensure_index(('chatRoom', 1))


Is that just it? Run this command and I’m all set? All existing and future messages will be indexed after that?


Your index actually should depend on what your query looks like. Suppose your message query looks like this:

var query = new Parse.Query("Message");
query.equalTo("chatRoom", aChatRoom);
query.equalTo("user", someUser);
query.equalTo("isSeen", false);


Then you would need to build an index on the Message collection specifically for this query. In this case:

db.Message.createIndex({_ p_chatRoom:1,_p_user:1,isSeen:-1,_created_at:-1})


Alternatively, an index with just the chatroom will perform much better than no index at all

db.Message.createIndex({_ p_chatRoom:1})


To really understand which indexes to build, you'll need to do some reading on the Mongo docs https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndex/#db.collection.createIndex

我个人将MLab用于我的Parse MongoDB,因为我对数据库不是很了解,而且它们实际上有一个缓慢的查询分析器,可以根据应用程序中的常见查询来推荐索引,因此如果您不想学习,MongoDB索引的优点,那么MLab是一个很好的起点

I personally use MLab for my Parse MongoDB, because I'm not very knowledgeable about databases, and they actually have a slow query analyzer that recommends indexes based on common queries in your application, so if you don't want to learn the finer points of MongoDB indexing, then MLab is a great place to start