


My Android main application will consist in a main program, with a few pre-installed modules.
Then I want to offer different modules later, best would be as separate files. Modules like: location, weather, agenda.


我要保留在数据库中安装/ present模块。所以,我必须把有时模块到数据库,也许是如果有present在启动时检测。主要的应用程序将合作,开发基于这些模块。

I want to keep in the database the modules that are installed/present. So I must put sometimes the modules into database, maybe by detecting if there are present at launch time. The main app will work based on these modules.


How can I build these modules as separate files? They won't be an entry point in my application. So they must not be an application in the navigation menu.


Is this possible?
How do I have to create this using Eclipse?
In what format will I offer the modules?
How will the user add/remove modules?

的Andr​​oid可以让你松散耦合的应用与意图 ContentProviders ,所以它应该可以达到你所要寻找的。困难的部分将规划一切行动面前,让你的功能逻辑分区(等东西堵塞起来容易)。

Android allows you to loosely couple applications together with Intents and ContentProviders, so it should be possible to achieve what you're looking for. The hard part will be planning everything up front, so you have logical divisions of functionality (and so things plug together easily).

我要保留在数据库中安装/ present模块。所以,我必须把有时模块到数据库,也许是如果有present在启动时检测。主要的应用程序将合作,开发基于这些模块。

I want to keep in the database the modules that are installed/present. So I must put sometimes the modules into database, maybe by detecting if there are present at launch time. The main app will work based on these modules.

您可以注册一个的BroadcastReceiver ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED ,每当一个新的应用程序安装,这将触发。你的主要应用程序应该能够使用这个来确定安装了额外的模块时。

You can register a BroadcastReceiver for ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED, which will fire whenever a new application is installed. Your main application should be able to use this to determine when additional modules are installed.


In what format will I offer the modules?


You probably want to still package the modules as apks so they can be uploaded to the marketplace. If you want them to not appear in the launcher (the app drawer), you can always remove the default <intent-filter> and the app will not be launchable (but still be removable).


How do I have to create this using Eclipse?


Your modules would still be standalone applications.


How will the user add/remove modules?


From the marketplace or direct downloads off of the web (if you want).