

我想在发展中测试一个移动应用程序,这将使用Facebook API登录用户,并宣读共同的朋友。但是,从我所知道的,我无法使用API​​来登录用户,除非应用程序进行验证,但验证的应用程序,审查小组将需要测试和验证[我] Facebook的整合。

I'd like to test a mobile app in development, which will use the Facebook API to log a user in and read mutual friends. However, from what I can tell, I can't use the API to log in a user unless the app is verified, but to verify the app, the review team will "need to test and verify [my] Facebook integration."

考虑(按我的IM pression),我将无法提交之前测试我自己的集成,我相当困惑。我觉得这是一个鸡与蛋的事情,所以我想我不明白这是如何工作正常。

Considering (per my impression), I wouldn't be able to test my own integration before submitting it, I'm rather confused. I feel like this is a "chicken and the egg" thing, so I imagine I'm not understanding how this works correctly.


Could anyone please explain or point me to any resources that will? I've been searching endlessly on how to do this.


没有必要等待批准。你需要创建 的应用程序,然后你就可以使用Apple ID,你会得到测试它。

No need to wait for its approval. You'll need to create the app on and then you'll be able to use the Apple ID you'll be given to test it.