


My question is extremely similar to iOS Application Crash while UIImage loading (virtual memory not cleaning up) in that I have an array of objects, and each object has a picture as one of it's variables. The answer in the above post seems to be that the objects remain even after they were removed from the array. However I cannot seem to figure out exactly what he did to fix this issue. I am using Swift, and have no experience in Objective-C.



Here is my class, which includes the image property:

open class Cards {
    var name = ""
    var image : UIImage!
    var manaCost = 0
    var rarity = ""
    var whichClass = ""
    var cardText = ""
    var tribe = ""
    var cardType = "" //Minion or Spell
    var set = ""

    init(name : String,  image : UIImage!,  manaCost : Int, rarity : String, whichClass : String, cardType : String, tribe : String, cardText : String, set : String)
        self.name = name
        self.image = image
        self.manaCost = manaCost
        self.rarity = rarity
        self.whichClass = whichClass
        self.cardType = cardType
        self.tribe = tribe
        self.cardText = cardText
        self.set = set

    deinit {
         print("deinit " + name);



The initialization of the objects looks a little something like this:

var ArgeonHighmayne = Cards(name: "Argeon Highmayne", image :  UIImage( named  : "ArgeonHighmayne")!, manaCost : 0, rarity : "Basic", whichClass : "Lyonar", cardType : "General", tribe : "None", cardText : "Bloodborn Spell: Give a minion nearby your general +2 Attack.", set : "Core")


and the arrays that these objects are placed in look like this:

public var newestCards = [DayWatcher, NightWatcher, DustWailer, QuartermasterGauj]

我试图通过简单地在声明之前添加弱"并添加所有!"来将对象本身变成弱引用.和 "?" Xcode需要我添加,但这只是导致图像没有出现在我的收藏夹视图中. 我还尝试在类声明本身中添加弱",如下所示:

I have attempted to turn the objects themselves into weak references by simply adding "weak" before the declaration and adding all the "!" and "?" that Xcode required me to add, but this just resulted in the images not appearing in my collection view. I also tried adding "weak" in the class declaration itself like so:

weak var image : UIImage!

但这也导致图像根本不显示. 预先感谢您的帮助.

But this also resulted in the images simply not showing up. Thanks in advance for any help.


Turns out it was crashing because the images were part of the array. Instead of putting a UIImage within the class, it is better to put the image's name there, and then call UIImage on that name in the collectionView method.