


I have added a custom button to the navigator in my jqgrid and i am wondering how can i ,when i click on the button, show a dialog with the same style as the edit dialog and ask for some especific fields that are not included in the colModel. Those field would be to be sent to the server when clicking on ok button.




您可以使用的 editGridRow 方法。在该方法的第二个(属性)参数,您可以包括自定义的 beforeShowForm 事件处理程序,它可以使该对话框中的任何修改。

You can display the "Edit" dialog using editGridRow method. In the second (properties) parameter of the method you can include your custom beforeShowForm event handler which can make any modifications in the dialog.


See last demo from the answer for an example. The demo has the line

$('<tr class="FormData" id="tr_AddInfo"><td class="CaptionTD ui-widget-content">'+
  '<b>Additional Information:</b></td></tr>').insertAfter (nameColumnField);

里面的 beforeShowForm


If the information which you need to show in the dialog are from the hidden column of the grid you can use simplified way which you find here. The main idea in the solution is that jqGrid include in the form dialog all hidden fields, but the corresponding row is hidden. So it is enough just to show the hidden row.