为Windows 7构建Cordova应用程序


是否可以使用Cordova/Phonegap构建Windows 7应用程序?

Is it possible to build Windows 7 applications with Cordova/Phonegap?

文档仅提及Windows 8,Windows 8.1和Windows Phone8.搜索Windows 7的兼容性对我没有任何帮助.

The documentation only mentions Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8. Searching for Windows 7 compability gave me nothing.

在config.xml和default.xml中将target-platform的值设置为"7.0"也不起作用,只会告诉我无法在自己的OS或环境中构建Windows 7应用程序,因为我只能在本地进行操作.

Setting the values of target-platform to "7.0" in config.xml and default.xml doesn't work either and will just tell me that I can't build Windows 7 apps in my OS or Enviroment, which is false, given that I can just do one natively.



旧消息: 英特尔创建了cordova的Windows 7端口

Old message: There is a windows 7 port of cordova created by intel


更多信息: http://www.raymondcamden .com/2012/07/12/Windows-7-version-of-PhoneGapCordova

这是科尔多瓦Windows 7的另一个链接 https://github.com/fabriceds/cordova-win7

here is another link to cordova windows 7 https://github.com/fabriceds/cordova-win7

我已经分叉了它,所以它永远不会被删除 https://github.com/jcesarmobile/cordova-win7

And I have forked it so it will never be deleted https://github.com/jcesarmobile/cordova-win7