

我用AppCompat,我的主题是扩大 Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar

I'm using AppCompat and my theme is extending Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar.


When in Android 5 Lollipop and I press the recent apps button, my app appears with a dark title instead of a white title in the ActionBar.


When I'm inside the app everything looks fine.


What can I do to change the title color in the recent apps view?

修改:刚刚想通了,如果我使用较暗的 colorPrimary ,标题变成白色。我还需要一种方法来迫使白冠军原来的颜色。

EDIT: just figured out that if I use a darker colorPrimary, the title becomes white. I still need a way to force the white title with the original color.

您不能强制文本颜色,它是自动生成的(无论是白/黑)根据您的 colorPrimary 的颜色。

You can't force the text color, it is auto generated (either white/black) based on your colorPrimary color.