

我正在使用 Supervisor 在具有git的EC2实例上管理我的node.js应用程序以进行部署.主管在确保我的应用程序正常运行方面做得很好,但是每当我将新的服务器端代码推送到远程服务器时,它往往无法识别这些更改.我需要终止主管进程并重新启动它.我在做错什么吗?还是这种标准行为?

I'm using Supervisor to manage my node.js applicaton on an EC2 instance with git for deployment. Supervisor does a good job of making sure my application stays up, but whenever I push new server-side code to my remote server, it tends to not recognize those changes. I need to kill the supervisor process and restart it. Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is this standard behavior?


This is standard behaviour; supervisord does not detect changes in code. It only restarts processes if they themselves stop or die.

只要指示管理员在您进行更改时重新启动应用程序即可. supervisorctl restart programname很好,不需要杀死并重新启动受监管的本身.

Just instruct supervisord to restart the application whenever you push changes. supervisorctl restart programname is fine, no need to kill and restart supervisord itself.

如果受监管的配置已更改,请使用supervisorctl update.

If the supervisord configuration changed, use supervisorctl update.