IBM Worklight - 如何在更新应用程序之前执行JavaScript代码?



When a new software update is available, if user has data stored in jsonstore I need to allow user to commit them to the server before applying the software update, so his/her uncommited updates don't get lost. Currently user is unable to use the application until the update is installed.


Is there a way to execute JavaScript code before updating the application so I can initialize the jsonstore, take the data and send to the adapter before performing the update installation?

我们看到卸载和 beforeunload事件在DirectUpdate之前被触发。如果数据在那个时间点仍然可以在内存中使用,这可能是代码选项吗?

We saw that the "unload" and "beforeunload" events are fired before a DirectUpdate. Maybe this is an option for code if the data is still available in memory at that point in time?

WL Android - 直接更新使Native / Cordova资源保持活动状态内存(例如BusyIndi​​cator)但参考丢失了