我们可以从 Windows 8 上的桌面应用程序发送 Tile 通知吗?


正如我们所知,我们可以通过此链接从 Windows 8 上的桌面应用程序(而不是商店应用程序)发送 toast 通知 从桌面发送 Toast 通知 以及 代码示例.我们正在研究是否可以从桌面应用程序发送磁贴通知,但我没有在互联网上找到信息.所以在我看来这是不可能的.不过我只是想在这里和专家确认一下.

as we know, we could send out the toast notification from Desktop App (not store app) on Windows 8 per this link sending toast notification from desktop and also code sample. We are looking at if we could send the tile notification from desktop applications and I didn't find information on internet. So it seems to me that it is impossible. However I just want to confirm with expert here.

您的假设是正确的 - 桌面应用程序不支持磁贴通知.

Your assumptions are correct - tile notifications are not supported for Desktop applications.

TileUpdater 文档,该类被标记为仅限 Windows 应用商店应用".

In the Requirements section of the TileUpdater documentation, the class is marked as "Windows Store apps only".