

我有一个vb.net Windows应用程序.它具有一个带有状态栏的表单,用于向用户提供处理状态(例如"x的处理记录x").





returnvalue = MyProcess.Start(Me)





需要帮助. thanx

I have a vb.net windows application. It has a form with a Status Bar that is used to provide the user with processing status (e.g. "processing record x of x").

I want to call a DLL project that is referenced and will do all the processing. I want the DLL to pass back to the Windows Application Form Status Bar the processing status (e.g. "processing x of x").

However, I do not know how to pass the Forms Name as a reference to the Dll Project.

I''ve tried this:

Window App:

returnvalue = MyProcess.Start(Me)

DLL Project:

Class Name is MyProcess

Public Function Start(frm as Form) as Boolean

However, in the dll project Form is not recognized. I''ve tried adding Imports.Windows.System.Form - but can''t do that unless I actually add a form.

Help needed. thanx

BTW,您是否在DLL项目中添加了对Windows.System.Form的引用? [快速猜测,需要在您的问题中添加更多详细信息]
BTW, have you added reference to Windows.System.Form in your DLL project?!
[Just a quick guess, more details required to be put in your question]

正如我在第一篇文章中所说的那样-我在DLL项目中添加了Imports.Windows.System.Form .实际上,.net不允许我添加Imports.Windows.System.Form,除非我实际上向dll项目中添加了一个表单-最终我只是为了通过该步骤而完成.

为了简单地尝试使之工作,我将Windows App中的控件从状态栏更改为文本框.完整的代码现在显示为:


ReturnValue = MyProcess.Start(me)




对于x = 1到1000
frm.TextBox1.Text = x



As I said in my first post - I have added the Imports.Windows.System.Form in the DLL Project. As a matter of fact, .net would not let me add Imports.Windows.System.Form unless I actually added a form to the dll project - which eventually I did just to get past that step.

To simply try and make this work, I changed the control in the Windows App from a status bar to a Text Box. The full code now reads:

Windows App:

ReturnValue = MyProcess.Start(me)

Dll Project:
Class Name is MyProcess

''I had to actually add a form to get this Imports entered

Public Function Start(frm as Form) as Boolean

For x = 1 to 1000
frm.TextBox1.Text = x
Next X

Start = True

End Function

In the DLL Project - intellisense underlines TextBox1 as error. I can''t get past this step. I can''t build the DLL Project because of this error. Therefore this is not working. I have to believe there is some way to do this - simply updating a Windows App Textbox with status from a DLL Project process in .net. I think I am missing something. Appreciate any help/Ideas.

这是我最近的尝试.这会将x的值传递回我的Windows App文本框-但是只有最后一个x值(1000).我想取回每个x值作为其处理.我把vbcrlf放进去,看是否会回传每个x值.想知道BackgroundWorker是否会更好地用于我正在寻找的东西.

Here is my latest try. This is passing the value of x back to my Windows App textbox - however only the last x value (1000). I want to get back each x value as its processed. I put the vbcrlf in to see if it will post back each x value. Wondering if BackgroundWorker would be better to use for what I''m looking for.

Window App:

Imports MainDLL

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim myMainDll As New MainDLL.Class1

        myMainDll.mytb = Me.TextBox1

    End Sub
End Class

Dll Project(MainDll):

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class Class1

    Private m_tb As TextBox
    Public Property mytb() As TextBox
            Return m_tb
        End Get
        Set(ByVal tbname As TextBox)
            m_tb = tbname
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Function MyProcess() As Boolean
        Dim x As Integer

        For x = 1 To 1000
            m_tb.Text = (x).ToString & vbCrLf
        MyProcess = True
    End Function
End Class