




New to visual studios and don't know how.

What I have tried:

I tried looking everywhere but can't figure it out.

查看菜单栏:选择Build菜单,你会得到一系列可能的选择。选择Build Solution(快捷键默认为F6),它将编译并构建一个可执行文件。


在调试模式下,F5键将构建项目并在调试器中运行它因此,您可以控制正在发生的事情并在运行时修复您的应用程序。 (GoogleVisual Studio调试器了解更多信息)。
Look at the menu bar: select the "Build" menu, and you get a range of possible options. Select "Build Solution" (the shortcut key defaults to F6) and it will compile and build you an executable.

When you have it fully working, you can build a release version (which doesn't have debug info) by looking at the toolbar below the menu, and selecting "Debug" and changing it to "Release" then building the solution again.

In "Debug" mode, the F5 key will build your project and run it in the debugger so you can control what is happening and fix your application while it runs. (Google "Visual Studio debugger" for more information).