


I will have a widget on a remote page. In the widget I want javascript or jquery to get all the article content from the webpage and send it back to my website. I only need just the article content and not all the other information on the webpage. I would like the script to send the remote webpage url, page content, title text, and h1 text. I would not like to receive any html tags. Is this possible to do?

我正在编写的脚本就像google adsense. 另外,我会使用c#作为后端服务器

The script I am making is like google adsense. Also, Ill be using c# as my backend server

类似的东西行得通吗? http://blog.nparashuram.com/2009/08/screen-scraping-with-javascript-firebug.html

will something like this work? http://blog.nparashuram.com/2009/08/screen-scraping-with-javascript-firebug.html


my suggestion, if it's not too much data would be to use a beacon.

var beac = new Image();
beac.onload = function () {
  //do somethiringng on completion
beac.src = "youdomain/somthing.php?var=asdasd&key=someUniqueString";


This allows you to send a moderate amount of data to a server on another domain, provided you don't need anything back.