


In aspx page, i am using repeater in which i have binded command argument to a button, so on the click of the butoon i need to pass value to ascx page (user control page)

<asp:Repeater ID="RptMessage" runat="server">
                               <td width="99%">
                                                   <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2">
                                                           <td><asp:Button ID="BtnMsg" runat="server" Text="Select" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("templateId")%>' OnClick="select"/>
                                                           <td valign="top">
                                                               <strong style="font-size: medium">
                                                                   <%# Eval("templateName")%>
                                                               <br />
                                                               <br />
                                                               <%# Eval("templateText")%></strong>


protected void select(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Button btnM = (Button)sender;
        Response.Redirect("message_send.ascx?Tid=" + btnM.CommandArgument);


This is not working please help

您不能重定向到UserControl(ascx扩展名)。 Usercontrol应始终呈现为其添加的父WebPage的一部分。因此,将重定向(也添加查询字符串)添加到使用UserControl /添加的WebPage(父页面)并获取QueryString值。
You cannot do a Redirection to an UserControl ( ascx extension ). Usercontrol should be always rendered as part of the Parent WebPage where its added. So Make the Redirection( also add the querystring) to the WebPage ( Parent Page) where the UserControl is used/Added and fetch the QueryString Value .

You can not redirect. Its a control. It is used as a part of a page.