Apple Watch 应用程序是否可以与 Apple TV 进行交互?


我正在寻找解决方案,甚至是关于在 Apple Watch 应用和 Apple TV 应用之间共享数据、发送信号等的可能性的线索.
就我而言,我有一个使用 Apple Watch 进行一些计算的应用程序,我希望这些计算对 Apple TV 应用程序界面产生影响.

I'm searching for a solution or even a clue about the possibility of sharing data, sending signal etc, between Apple Watch app and Apple TV app.
In my case, I have an app that makes some calculations using the Apple Watch and I want those calculations to have an influence on the Apple TV app interface.

如果没有 - 我能做到吗?通过:

If not - Can I achieve it? via:

Apple Watch -> iPhone -> Apple TV?

Apple Watch -> iPhone -> Apple TV?



我不确定 Apple TV 和 Apple Watch 之间是否有直接通信的方法,但你绝对可以从 Apple Watch -> iPhone -> Apple电视,反之亦然.

I'm not sure if there's a way to directly communicate between Apple TV and Apple Watch, but you can definitely go from Apple Watch -> iPhone -> Apple TV and vice versa.

从 Apple Watch 到 iPhone,您可以使用 WatchConnectivity.framework.从 iPhone 到 Apple TV,您都可以使用 Bonjour 网络.

From Apple Watch to iPhone you can use WatchConnectivity.framework. From iPhone to Apple TV you can use Bonjour network.

我们正在使用 Bonjour 网络,使用 CocoaAsyncSocket 设置,在我们的一个应用,而且效果很好.

We are using Bonjour network, setup with CocoaAsyncSocket, in one of our apps and it works great.