免费的UML序列图逆向工程eclipse插件开箱即用 - 这样的事情存在吗?


我尝试(虽然不是很全面)许多解决方案,包括 ModelGoon (只有类和交互图可用), ObjectAid (仅限类图), eUML免费(第一次使用时出现不祥的许可证错误退出), MoDisco (菜单上唯一的选项是浏览相应的模型元素)。还有一些独立工具 - ArgoUML BOUML 不提供此功能,或至少我无法找到它。 Jsonde 仅在我修复了msvcr71.dll错误后才启动,因此无法连接到VM因为未知... Java Call Tracer 只是一堆文件有一些选项可以直接应用于JVM,并且没有可执行文件。

I tried (though not very comprehensively) numerous solutions including ModelGoon (only class and interaction diagrams available), ObjectAid (class diagram only), eUML free edition (quits with an ominous "license not found" error on first use), MoDisco (with the only option on the menu being "browse corresponding model element"). And also some standalone tools - ArgoUML and BOUML either dont provide this feature or at least i was not able to find it. Jsonde started only after i fixed a msvcr71.dll-error and was then unable to connect to the VM for reasons unknown...Java Call Tracer is just a bunch of files with pages of options to apply to the JVM directly and there is no executable...


I also read following posts on the topic : featuring commercial options, too general (not seq diagrams), also too general, featuring standalone commercial solutions

通过开箱即用 - 默认安装没有中断,有一个选项,如生成序列诊断200的X- 200 200 200 200 X- 200 200 X- 200 200 X- 200 200 X- 200 200 X- 1992:

By working out of the box i mean - the default installation is not broken and there is an option like "generate sequence diagram" or similar resulting in a (modifiable would be great) sequence diagram.


I am getting an impression, that there is simply no such thing (yet?) as a free UML sequence diagram reverse engineering eclipse plug-in working out of the box.



The other day, I discovered a tool from the University of Victoria called Diver: Dynamic Interactive Views For Reverse Engineering. You can either find a method and create a static sequence diagram starting with that method or you can run an application in a trace mode to capture the sequence diagram for a particular execution of an application.