Facebook Api获得我正在管理的页面的粉丝列表


我有一个用户的 manage_pages 权限,我可以访问用户的页面信息。

I have a user's manage_pages permission and I can access the user's page info.


Is there a way that I can get the list of users who liked this page ?


When I go to /me/likes with the page's access_token I only see the pages who liked this page.


How can I see the regular users who liked it ?


For privacy reasons, it´s not possible to get a list of all the fans of a Page. You would not be allowed to do anything with the list anyway (send them stuff and whatnot). A user should only be known by an App if that specific user authorized the App.


More information can be found in several other threads about this question:

  • Querying Users who 'like' my Facebook Page
  • Facebook FQL get the list of fans of a facebook page
  • ...