

这是项目的一部分,在该项目上,用户控件上将有两个按钮将被添加到Datagrid,并允许用户添加或删除注释. (类似于在Visual Studio中删除选项卡)有人知道这样的示例吗?

< usercontrol x:class ="HideButtons.UserControl1" xmlns:x =#unknown">
xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
xmlns:x ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"
xmlns:mc ="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"
xmlns:d ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008"
mc:Ignorable ="d"
d:DesignHeight ="97" d:DesignWidth ="122">
< grid height ="76" width ="92">
<按钮Content ="Add" Height ="23" Horizo​​ntalAlignment ="Left" Name ="Add"
VerticalAlignment =顶部"宽度="75">
< Button.Style>
< Style TargetType ="{x:Type Button}">
< setter property ="Visibility" value ="Visible">
< Style.Triggers>
< trigger property ="IsMouseOver" value ="True"> < setter property ="Control.Foreground" value =#FFF61C1C">
< setter property ="Control.FontWeight" value ="Bold">

<按钮Content ="Delete" Height ="23" Horizo​​ntalAlignment ="Left" Margin ="0,23,0,0" Name ="Delete"
VerticalAlignment =顶部"宽度="75">
< Button.Style>
< Style TargetType ="{x:Type Button}">
< setter property ="Visibility" value =隐藏">
< Style.Triggers>
< trigger property ="IsMouseOver" value ="True"> < setter property ="Visibility" value ="Visible">
<按钮Content ="Test" Height ="23" Horizo​​ntalAlignment ="Left" Margin ="0,46,0,0" Name ="Test"
VerticalAlignment =顶部"宽度="75">
< Button.Style>
< Style TargetType ="{x:Type Button}">
< setter property ="Visibility" value ="Visible">
< Style.Triggers>
< trigger property ="IsMouseOver" value ="True"> < setter property ="Visibility" value =隐藏">

Apologies but I am new to WPF. I am using VS 2010. I am trying to set the visible property of my button to Visible when the mouse moves over the button but the visibility property does not work.
The example below has three buttons:
1. One which sets the text to Red
2. The button should become visible but does not
3. The button should become not visible but starts to flicker.
Can someone please tell me why the visible property does not work correctly on the last two buttons?
This is part of a project where there will be two buttons on a user control that will be added to a Datagrid and allow users to add or delete a comment. (Similar to the delete of a tab in Visual Studio) Does anyone know of an example like this?

<usercontrol x:class="HideButtons.UserControl1" xmlns:x="#unknown">
d:DesignHeight="97" d:DesignWidth="122">
<grid height="76" width="92">
<Button Content="Add" Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="Add"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<setter property="Visibility" value="Visible">
<trigger property="IsMouseOver" value="True"> <setter property="Control.Foreground" value="#FFF61C1C">
<setter property="Control.FontWeight" value="Bold">

<Button Content="Delete" Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="0,23,0,0" Name="Delete"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<setter property="Visibility" value="Hidden">
<trigger property="IsMouseOver" value="True"> <setter property="Visibility" value="Visible">
<Button Content="Test" Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="0,46,0,0" Name="Test"
VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<setter property="Visibility" value="Visible">
<trigger property="IsMouseOver" value="True"> <setter property="Visibility" value="Hidden">

I don''t see any code here to set the visibility. I don''t see any triggers to catch events. I see no code at all to do what you want. I would use events and write code to set the visibility at first, that''s easier to debug and follow than triggers. The Visibility property works just fine.


I would use Opacity for this, set it to 0 when you want it invisible and then 1 when you want to see it.

I do have to question why you''d want such an unintuitive interface though???