基于 html5的 jquery 轮播插件 flickerplate



  1. <link href="${baseURL}/themes/default/css/flickerplate.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  2. <script src="${baseURL}/themes/default/js/hammer-v2.0.3.js"></script>
  3. <script src="${baseURL}/themes/default/js/flickerplate.js"></script>

引入上面3个   hammer-v是响应式用到的支持触控

  1. <div class="lb_container" style="height: 200px;">
  2. <ul>
  3. <c:forEach items="${requestScope.housephotoes}" var="housev">
  4. <li data-background="${housev.APPPHOTOURL}">
  5. </li>
  6. </c:forEach>
  7. </ul>
  8. </div>

上面是设置背景图片的  ,  官网只提供了设置普通文字 , 只是在li 下面加两个标签即可

<li data-background="image-url.jpg">
            <div class="flick-title">Example Heading</div>
            <div class="flick-sub-text">Sub Text</div>


  1. new flickerplate({
  2. selector: '.lb_container',
  3. animation: 'transition-fade',
  4. autoFlick: false,
  5. dotAlignment: 'right',
  6. theme: 'dark'
  7. });

api 解释还没有中文

Name Default Options Description
animation transform-slide transform-slide, transform-slide, transition-fade, transition-slide Choose the animation type you want.
arrows true true, false Arrows are used to navigate back and forth between the flicks.
arrowsConstraint false true, false When you get to the end of the flicks pressing the next arrow will navigate you to the beginning again should you have a false constraint. The same applies to the previous arrow.
autoFlick true true, false Sets the flick to run automatically. A manual flick resets the delay.
autoFlickDelay 10 Set the delay (in seconds) between each auto flick.
dotAlignment center center, left, right Set the horizontal alignment of the dot navigation.
dots true true, false Dot navigation is used to indicate and navigate between the flicks.
position 1 Set the starting flick.
theme light light, dark Currently two options, light and dark. This will set the font colour, block text colour, arrows and dots to either dark or light.

但是有原版的解释  对照参考即可

属性/方法 类型 默认值 说明
arrows 布尔值 true 显示左右箭头控制
arrows_constraint 布尔值 false 左右到头了禁止点击
auto_flick 布尔值 true 自动播放
auto_flick_delay 整数 10 自动播放间隔,以秒为单位
block_text 布尔值 true 文字显示背景阴影
dot_navigation 布尔值 true 显示圆点导航
dot_alignment 字符串 center 圆点导航位置
flick_animation 字符串 transition-slide 动画切换方式,可选 transition-slide、transform-slide、jquery-slide、scroller-slide 4种
flick_position 整数 1
inner_width 布尔值 false
theme 字符串 light 设置主题,可选 light、dark 2种