


I am using a bootstrap popover on svg elements in D3. Multiple popovers can be open at any given time. What I would like to know is how to, on clicking on a popover at the back, to force it to move to the front i.e. being focused on?


Is there any way to increment the z-index of an individual popover to move it forward manually?



I have managed to create a fiddle using the suggested answer. The problem arises that, with using the global variable, it increments the z-index correctly on the most forward popover, but after bringing one to the front I am not able to access the others i.e. to even click the ones behind...so the click handler is not even being called. I'm thinking there is some type of layering going on. For example: If you look at the children nodes and click on one (the link in the title of the popover), then click on another one to semi-overlap the first open one - click the one behind and it will move forward. Click the one that is now behind and nothing happens:




Is there an alternative to incrementing the z-index to bring a popover forward without hampering interaction with those that are behind it?


You should be able to do this in a click handler:

element.on("click", function() {
  d3.select(this).attr("z-index", d3.select(this).attr("z-index") + 1);


As @AmeliaBR pointed out, this won't really work if you have more than one popover though as the z-index is only incremented by one. In a case like this, you could have a global variable that keeps track of the maximum z-index and use that.